How to Think Like Jesus

January 25, 2021

In episode 88, "How to Think Like Jesus", we discuss chapters 15 & 16 in Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts." Once we cross the line of faith, our sanctification process encompasses becoming more Christlike. This includes our thought life. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN Repeat God's Truths When we talk about capturing thoughts, we always follow up with comparing the thoughts to the truth, the ...

Capture Thoughts Through Choice Part 2

January 25, 2021

In episode 87, "Capture Thoughts Through Choice Part 2", we discuss chapters 11-14 in Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts." The Bible tells us that we, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit within us, and that it can help us with capturing thoughts, without the overwhelm; we simply just need to make a choice. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN Choose Joy Over Cynicism It is just ...

Capture Thoughts Through Choice

January 10, 2021

In episode 86, "Capture Thoughts Through Choice", we discuss chapters 7-10 in Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts." The Bible tells us that we, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit within us, and that it can help us with capturing thoughts, without the overwhelm; we simply just need to make a choice. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN! Drawing Battle Lines As you may know, we love ...

Freedom Through Capturing Thoughts

January 8, 2021

In episode 85, "Freedom Through Capturing Thoughts", we discuss chapters 4-6 in Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts." As Christians, we are called to take every thought captive. In doing so, we are able to experience freedom. Dive into the episode to learn more! CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN! Breaking Free Jennie goes in depth about her 18 month mental battle against the devil in her ...

Get Out Of Your Head Mini Series

January 2, 2021

Welcome to the Get Out of Your Head mini series all about capturing thoughts! We dive into Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out of Your Head", or GOOYH as we call it (try saying that acronym aloud as a word, ha!). We talk about how to stop toxic thought spirals by capturing thoughts and making choices that better serve us and the kingdom. This mini series is episodes 84-91. Click the ...

Thoughts, Beliefs, and Spiraling

January 2, 2021

In episode 84, "Thoughts, Beliefs, and Spiraling", we introduce Jennie Allen's book, "Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts", and discuss practical, actionable takeaways that apply to Christian women. If you've been looking to better your thought life, this is the book for you! Join us as we study this Biblically based book. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN Jennie Allen, fellow North Texan, is an author, speaker, and the founder ...

The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble

November 29, 2020

We're in our Book Promotion mini series and today (episode 81), we're talking with the author of "The Bible Recap", Tara-Leigh Cobble. This book is a transcription of her daily, Christian podcast, The Bible Recap, which aims to keep people connected to reading the Bible. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN! TLC started D-Group (Discipleship Group) with a handful of college students in 2009 and it has grown into 250+ groups around the world. ...

The Wild Calling: An Invitation to Believe What You Carry

November 26, 2020

We're in our Book Promotion mini series and today, we're talking with the author of "The Wild Calling: An Invitation to Believe What You Carry", by Savannah Price. This book is about believing the wild calling God has placed on your life, and how to carry that into your everyday circumstances and beyond into God-sized adventures. CLICK PLAY TO LISTEN Savannah Price is based out of Knoxville, TN where she works as a Residential and Commercial Realtor, ...

4 Books That Lead Others to Jesus

November 26, 2020

We've brought together four published authors, all of whom have a common goal: spread the good news of the Bible. These 4 books that lead others to Jesus each have different approaches to spreading the gospel. AJ Sherrill, Betsy Adams, Savannah Price, & Tara-Leigh Cobble have all followed the calling of putting books out in the world. These authors appear in the order in which they are on our podcast. Episodes ...